Sunday, March 13, 2016

Captain Moroni For President 2016

Today many are pondering and deciding on who they should vote for President. There are campaigns with slogans and candidates with promises that are doing all they can for your vote. They promise to give you what you want while the other candidates try to destroy their opponents with attacks on their character, policy, or ability. Then you have the media taking sides and clamoring for your attention and telling you who is best to vote for and who is the worst. You have experts on TV saying so and so said just the right thing in the debate or you have people on the radio yelling at you saying this candidate will transform America while at the same time saying this other candidate will doom us forever. 
Who then do we trust among all the loud voices clamoring for your attention? The candidates? The Radio? The media? The TV? What if I told you there was a source you could trust? Would you listen?  
That source is the Book of Mormon. WHAT? A book that was written thousands of years ago by ancient prophets will help me chose a candidate for president in 2016. Really? Yep, Really.

Hear me out on this one. Thousands of years ago there were a People who were going through some tough political decisions on the American continent way before Trump or Clinton or Sanders or Rubio or Cruz were fighting for an election. Check this link out  Alma 46:12-13  
So here were the major players. One political party had a candidate named Amalickiah. His campaign speech or promise was that if the people that followed him that they would be made rulers over the people so he promised POWER! The other political party had a candidate named Moroni. His campaign speech or promise was very catchy and he fastened his whole speech on to a pole called the title of liberty and he had this put in all the cities. This was his speech “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children”.

Who would you follow? Who would you want to lead you? How does this help you in choosing a candidate today? I invite you to read this section of the BOOK of Mormon and see who WON the election of 73 BC in America. It’s a fascinating read and is full of political intrigue, death, and some great takeaways for our day and age.  
Let’s just say Captain Moroni had one great endorsement as a candidate check out these words…  Alma 48:17   Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." 

In this day and age I want to VOTE for Captain Moroni for President in 2016! Wouldn’t you? Email me at to let me know if you will vote for him too. 
 Lets start a Captain Moroni revolution! Also check out a picture of Captain Moroni here: Captain Moroni's Picture 

This message was not endorsed by Captain Moroni nor does he plan to run for office in 2016. This message is also not funded by Captain Moroni nor were any funds used from outside donors to craft or create this message.  
 Submitted by:  Reagan Jones



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